Martin Kammermeier

Martin Kammermeier
Managing Director, AxFina
Martin is a Managing Director responsible for servicing at AxFina (Ax Financial Holding SA.) and a Partner in aXs GmbH and 720 restructering & advisory GmbH from Austria. AxFina is a Pan-European Financial Services Group and is working to creating and providing convenient and efficient loan servicing and financial services platform capacities. aXs is bundling AxFina‘s activities on the Balkans.
Prior to that Martin worked for Hype Alpo Adria/Heta Asset Resolution AG from Austria from 2011 – 2018. He served as a Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board and Chief Risk Officer of Hypo-Alpe-Adria Bank Belgrade (today Addiko Bank), until the bank was sold successfully to the private equity fund Advent in 2015 and thereafter became responsible for loan work out and loan sales in several of Heta’s countries of operations, including Serbia and Montenegro.
Before joining Heta/Hypo group Martin had several senior functions at Unicredit SPA and UniCredit Bank Austria, where he had started out his career in banking as a trainee in the corporate clients’ segments in Vienna. For UniCredit he later worked in the EMEEA Project and Leveraged Finance Department, and in Kazakhstan as Head of Corporate Clients Risk Management. Eventually, he assumed the position as Group Senior Risk Manager for Oil&Gas, Chemicals and Pharma sectors and a member of the Unicredit Group Credit Committee.
Martin is a German National and graduated from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Industrial Engineering and Management. He fluently speaks Serbian and has passive knowledge of Russian and Slovenian. Martin is married and has a son and a daughter.